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Legal Notice


Don't even think about it. What ever it is you're thinking about - Don't. Don't even bother.

Because of new Federal law, we now have to talk 'plain English'.

So, if you do anything we don't like, we'll sue. We'll sue you, we'll sue your family, your parents and any other living relative. We'll even sue your cat (or other domestic livestock, as applicable). And we'll pursue any one else who might be made liable via a Federal ruling and/or injunction if and when judged in complicity with the act thus far unspecified but which is the occasion of the inferred, primary litigation.

Then we'll sell your house, your car, your house plants.. Everything.

Lastly, please have a nice day and purchase large quantities of products, as offered by the site to which this notice has been affixed.

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ass hole
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